Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Something strange and possibly untrue

A right handed person draws a circle or an "o" in an anti-clockwise direction. A leftie draws clockwise.

So what do you reckon? Can some leftie confirm or deny according to their experience?

The person who imparted this factoid, also told me that dyslexics think in pictures, and have the most trouble with printed words that do not evoke a picture.

Anyone? Anyone?


  1. I'm a leftie who draws counterclockwise, I'm afraid.

  2. Goodness Giovanni, did you know somehow I was just over your place reading about Phoenicians?

    But that puts paied to that myth.

    Maybe you draw clockwise when you're in the northern hemisphere? That must be it.

  3. I'm a leftie and I would draw a circle clockwise

  4. Your second cousin nephews (what ever the hell they are) are a mix of one lefty, one righty and one we are still not sure of...I shall test them and report back
